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First Blog with Pip and Abby

Something I always wanted to do but never got around writing one...circumstances evolved today and now have discovered the Blog....... "THE BLOG" ....funny word.... sounds like something you come down with, along with rashes, hives and scratching your bottom  The day started funny enough with bright sunshine..something we don't see a lot of in the cold winter month's here...but soon short lived as dark sky's yet again settled upon us and the sky turned dark...rain I thought...we get rai



Living with Arthritis

Instead of carrying on with a earlier post I decided to make a new one so other sufferers could add their pain management and ways of coping with the pain of all arthritis's. Feel free to add your notes as it might help someone else thats going through or just starting suffering. Update 11-18-17 I have religiously been attending physical therapy to exercise the muscles in my affected joints and back to build muscle to support the areas. I am lucky to have a caring woman that modifies s



8-20-17 Spa Day

Pip: We had a Spa Day too Aunties ( seems a lot of that madness going around with my cousins too)....but it wasn't so bad as our shorter hair means mommie gets through a lot fast...then its treat time and a sleep. Mommie went crazy and clipped off all of Abby's top knot as it was all broken in front from her rubbing it constantly then kept falling into her eyes and she looked like she was crying all the time...She never did like her top knot this time around so guess she will be happy and n



I'm telling on you mommie

Aunties! Well mommie done gone and did something new to me and I'm telling on her cause I didn't know what she was doing to me.   Just look, it's all gone! Mommie said I'd be much cooler being a one inch girl and not have to go through pulling out tangles and mats every morning now so guess that's a plus. At least she saved my top knot, girls gotta have somewhere to hang her bows don't they? I already been digging at my top knot cause mommie did it in a hurry so she could get on w



Case of the missing Knickers by Abby Lane

Aunties  It's horriable what's happened to me just horrible...... Someone has stole my knickers and I can't find them anywhere. Mom said it's probably Matt...who ever that is cause after my bath and mom was grooming me she said something about someone called Matt. I think there were two or more of them that stole my knickers cause she said it plural..Matt's.   My tummy is so cold when I go outside to pee and I hold it and hold it till I am busting....but all I do is lay down so it can stay w



Now why didn't I think of that?

Sharing a super easy ingenious way to mark out your rows when planting seeds...Now how come I've never thought of that when using hoe or rake (handle) all my life  http://www.foliver.com/diy/26-great-ideas-that-every-gardening-lover-should-know/11/



Jewel's of January

We went out for a  walk in the sun this morning full of crisp air and the paws were such hyena's we didn't stay long before we turned back to the sanitary of a warm home instead. Feeling slightly guilty for a short walk...  I did let them play outside and found these jewels right in my own back yard....Temps have been up and down and the vegetation is in turmoil is it spring or is it winter defying that it's only January and cold weather is here to stay. The ruby red globes were on a t



Santa brought me a HOLE

Abby We had a great day on what mommie called Christamas...What ever that waz but it was different than the other days as mommie and daddy had all sorts of nice thinks around to munch on. Pip and I couldn't understand what all the fuss was about really. Usually after breakfast mom takes us upstairs so she can play fix the picture on her computer all day....I'm a stickler for routine and mommie definitely wasn't on routine...It just wasn't normal I tell you...And I Don't Like Change ....no s



Happy Birthdays at Uncles

Abby Aunties you should have seen us, we went down to our favorite Uncles for his birthday dinner....Mom forgot her phone so no pictures...(sorry)  I learned to fly in his great big garden...yep I sure did! Mom says I was flying 90mph round and round as brother tried to catch me...but he couldn't  I was flying I tell ya...my hair blowing in the breeze as I raced around...brought a tear to mom's eyes....don't know why though...silly mommie ..... Mom:  I had a tear in my eye because



Recall blessings

We always thought it  best to teach some sort of recall and enforce it constantly daily with simple command words.....We'll today it was needed big time. Hubby took our next door neighbors trash bins around and forgot to close our gate. I have a phobia and always look out to check it whenever I let the terriable two out for a wee and play time...This time to my horror it was OPEN and they were headed down the path but at the end our other neighbors house.......They must have thought they were go



Canned Dog Food (warning)

We had a funny old day here filled with worry for our dear Abby. She was fine at first but 30 minutes after waking she ran to the bathroom to proceed to vomit then dirrehea on her pad. She then laid on the top landing and vomited more but all mucous..... Then to the lower landing she vomited even more still mucous and lumps ..... Took her outside where she vomited even more stingy mucous. She stopped momentarily for 15 minutes and suddenly rushed upstairs....(something she does when she has



I got bit ?

Yep I sure did. Two nasty holes and a tear on the little bone on my wrist, boy did it hurt. But I wasn't mad because it was ME that was responsiable for her reaction... I know how Abby has always been while sleeping heavily...Learned real quick how she reacted when we first got her if Pip even sniffed close to her or I'd move her over in bed at night...you just don't mess with her while she's sleeping.........She'd turn into Cujo snarling and biting......Well a year had passed and she about



Bath Day & a mini shirt

Look what mommie did ....Yep she did, she gave me a mini skirt and a clean belly! I'm so much cooler now.   Watch out brother....mommie's going to make you wear a kilt 



Testing Area Retouched Photo's ?

Editing photo's for fun...I am not a professional and only learning as a hobby. Photo submissions welcome as I practice so I can become better and help anyone out with their photo's  Pet Red Eye Removal



Rain and dogs

It's been chunking it down with rain and the paws are going a little stir crazy today....So they broke out of their puppy jail when dad let them out for a pee.....But they stayed and stayed......and stayed.......and stayed..... Then a quick race around the living room slinging water everywhere........then back onside.....another round inside ......I was scramblng like a mad woman to get the big box back in front of the door to end their chase then go for towels to dry them and And the floor



I must have three dogs now

I had a visitor this evening..even though we had no guests. Often wondering about the pups seeing fairys we call them..... Now let  me tell you what I saw. While preparing to cook I washed a few dishes in the sink and out of the corner of my eye I saw Pip at the bottom of the stairs then took off running upstairs.....I recon he was following Abby up and got the nerve up to try it.......Now, we know Pip don't do stairs, he's terrified of them and won't go up or down on them. So with gre



The Fairies are back

Little Miss Abby has spent the whole morning upstairs by herself in bed... She's scared of the fairies that's obviously flying around our living room ceiling. Trouble is when I check on her she's seeing them up,there too  Pip see's them too but he's very brave and sits with mom instead. She just joined us in the living room at 2pm but wihining upwards at the ceiling ....Naughty fairies...go somewhere else will ya. What a bonkers day it is   



Cato & Tara Message

Abby mail... Pssst! Send mom out the room and don't let her read this ok Tara? Cato you run outside and bark like crazy so she's not reading this.  Pip and I have 2 extra tickets to a mud party tonight.. Can you sneak out the house and join us? Just look at this paw..it's it glorious?   



Making Changes

Well it's day 1 for a healthier me..... Journey to lower my cholesterol, lower blood pressure, lose pounds and stop smoking. That's a lot isnt it....hope to look back in the coming months and say it was all worth it. Started last night sipping cinnamon tea instead of coffee..Good for arthritis inflammation ....... I'm a die hard all day long coffee-holic and this isn't going to be easy so let's see how bad the withdrawal is going to be this time around .....I've done this before and the fir



Crispy Creme Donuts

Copy Kat recipe that's guaranteed to pack on the pounds.....  Glazed Donuts (Krispy Kreme Recipe Copycat)   Serves: 18 donuts Ingredients For the donuts * 1¼ cups (300ml) whole milk * 2¼ teaspoon (one packet, 7g) instant (quick-rise) yeast * 2 large eggs * 8 tablespoons (113g) unsalted butter, melted and cooled * ¼ cup (50g) granulated sugar * 1 teaspoon salt * 4¼ (535g) cups bread flour, plus more for rolling out the dough * oil, for frying For the glaze * 4 c



It's Official

Abby declared its too hot to do nothing but sleep away the heat....But Abby aren't you sitting in the sun mom asked  



Day Out ( sorta)

Pip: Moms called the vet and I get a trip out on the bus at lunch time. The brat won't be coming along so it will just be me and mom   My eye is no better and keeps watering. Mom see's broken off lashes handing down and she thinks that's rubbing against my eye ball..it's been miserable watering constantly and I want to scratch it...So off for my trip soon..



At long last Bath Day

Well it's been almost 9 weeks my two hasn't had a bath and today was spa day with some good and some bad.... but we got there. First I stole a piece of wood from the recent decorating....measured out four sections and marked the center of each, then using a wood spade bit drilled in to make a shallow well....then cut off  the 4 sections .... Set the legs of my grooming table in the shallow wells and set it up. It's now the perfect height so I'm not bending over anymore and I can do all my g



Our New Bathroom

It's been a long build from scratch but happily we can say it's 99% finished and only a few minor extra's to add as we get time. Starting from scratch in a very, very old house is no joy...nothing is square and floors are never level...but hey you work with what you got. The ugly green suite was installed by my hubby over 45 years ago and was still in complete working order but it didn't fit our needs any longer....plus washing the baby's was a back breaking effort in the tub and I won't ev



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