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Shih Tzu Saga

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Day 2 - Visiting the Vet



Sailor had quite a time today. We had a 10:15 appt. with the vet. I really liked Phyllis and am glad I chose her. Since Sailor was born in a puppy mill, he had some issues. His conformity looks fine, but he was undernourished. Sailor only weighed 4.1 lbs. She prescribed a supplement that I need to give him twice daily to help put some weight on him. My poor baby!! Those idiots that bred him supposedly gave him 4 Distemper shots, which 1) isn't likely and 2) you're only supposed to give 3. They didn't provide the stickers from the vaccine, so we don't have the vaccine numbers and there's no way to know what shots he got or not. They also told me that he wouldn't need his rabies vaccine until 6 months, but Sailor should have already had it. He probably has worms, so I have to take in a stool sample on Friday for testing. What a nightmare!! I'd love to go and kick their tales. How many poor innocent puppies do they treat this way and how many people do they hoodwink? He did really well at the vet. Was really calm - so much so that they tested his glucose, but it was 133, which is fine. They think he's so lethargic because he has worms. Hopefully we'll find out on Friday. Poor little guy!!

I have another appointment in 2.5 weeks. She's hoping for him to get better socialized and settled in. If he has worms, we'll take care of that immediately, but she wants to check him again in a couple weeks and see if he putting on weight. If he is doing okay, he'll be neutered and have his dew claws removed. How's that for tramatic?? :emot-angel:

He has done wonderfully with his potty training. Only one accident inside - and the one in the car, otherwise he takes care of his business like a big boy. I'm so proud of him!! He is really doing well and I couldn't be happier. He loves the kids, plays with his toys, but also loves to sit quietly in my lap. What a good baby!! I can't imagine not having him!!

I love you Sailor! :unsure:


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