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Me, My Kids and Sometimes Crafting

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Me, My Kids and Sometimes Crafting



Ok, my first attempt at blogging! Hope it appears like others on here!

It seems as if my babies are cold after I have cut off their long hair. And I'm such a thoughtless mama, made them wear that hot hair all summer.  We have had a weak cold front here in North Texas, feeble really compared to what Crystal showed.  But its cold when you arnt used to it.

Anyway, I now feel that the kids need something on, so have been in a crafting mood for the past week.  Here is a pic of a dress for Sassy Mae, she looks so cute in it, I will try to get a pic of her wearing it over the next few days.


Here is a pic of jammies I made, Sassy Mae's is flannel.  Dont know what the fuzzy stuff Willie's is made of but its soft and warm.  Oh and there is a belly band on the underside to hold them on.  The dress has a full underside with a velcro strip to attach it on her. 



And lastly is a cute little dress that I store bought when she was a puppy. But she has outgrown it around the middle so I am going to pu a 3" wide strip right underneath the belly part and it will never show. I have always liked it.


And then I have material for 2 more dresses for Sassy Mae.  I am probably going to crochet Willie a few more sweaters.  So stay tuned!



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Love, love, love your new blog ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I envy your skill making their own outfits...Always wanted to but never got around to it excuse :blush:

There all are just gorgeous as can be :dede: 

Can't wait to see their pictures modeling them 

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Thank you!  I made lots and lots of pretty dresses when my girls were little. As they started to school, I made a little purse in same material as their dress and then embroidered their name on it.  It dawned on me just the other day, why doesnt Sassy Mae have just tons of dresses! I have left over material stored in the closet so wont cost a thing (so to speak).  

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Yay a Sassy Mae and Wille blog, love it!! :cheer: love love all the clothes you've made, am afraid to let Missy see them, she'll want them all! Can't wait to see them wearing those!

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Sophie's Haven


Yeah Sandra.......I use to sew for my kids when they were little.....plus all the prom dresses.....use to sew all my ex-MIL cloths before she passed. I love making my guys clothing........it helps keep the cost down especially when you have as many as I do to dress on chilly days.  I never pass up the clearance isle of a fabric store to find remnants. Your outfits are adorable. Have you done anything for Willie? I buy l8 month old boys sweater vest for Bailey make a few adjustments and he ends up with a nice warm sweater. 

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