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Holiday 1: getting there




Hello Aunties.  Where have you been?!?!?  Mum says you all disappeared, and the blogg and all the stuff on the screen, and we had no one to tell all about our fab hol!!!

But it is OK now, cos you are back.

We had a great hol.  It was in somewhere called Cornwall, which is very green and has lots of mountains for Tara, and stuff like that.  We stayed in a very very very old place.  So old it is older than ANYTHING.  And I didn't like the stairs, but that was OK cos Mum carried me up.

It was a very very very long drive.  It took ALL DAY!!!! and we had to stop lots for pees and drinks and stuff.  And of course Tara had a squitty tummy, but Mum said that my Magic Powder would work (Tree Barks) and 'thank heavens for slate flooring!'

So we slept a lot of the time in the car.  We set off really early before I like to get up.  And we arrived mid afternoon.  Mum and Dad did lots of driving, and got tired, but it was OK cos we went for a walk when we arrived, in a town called Launceston.  Mum did a funny thing with the name Launceston.  Cos she says that people who live there call it Larnston or Lanson, but people like us who don't live there call it Lawn-sess-ton.  Mum said we had to say it properly on account of Mum's great-grandparents having come from Cornwall, so we have to do Local-speak and not Grockle-speak.  Grockles are tourists.  It is very complicated, isn't it?

Anyway, we got there too early, before we could go to our cottage-den.  So we went and found a paw friendly cafe, and sat under the table while Mum and Dad had tea coffee stuff.  And Dad had his first Cornish Cream Tea with Clotted Cream.  We weren't allowed any. :(

Then we went and had a walk.  This was the Church.  The outside is made of something called local granite.



Mum and Dad wanted to go inside, so we asked the nice lady sitting inside if that was OK.  She said not really.  But then she saw us.  And she changed her mind.  So long as we didn't do poos or pee on the wooden pews and stuff.  

As if I would!

Although Tara got bored, and tried to fight me.  So me and Mum went in one direction and her and Dad went in the other, cos Mum said that Churches shouldn't be filled with the sound of Ninja snarling.


It was a nice church, but the inside was too dark for pics (Mum says) and the outside was the best bit.



After that we got back in the car.  I didn't like the car by now, and I didn't want to get in.  But this was just a short drive to our cottage-den.

Mum says that it has architectural features dating from the late 1500s, but may be later cos building styles were delayed in the provinces.  I have no idea wot that means!  Mum tried to take pics, but they were none of them as nice as the pics on the holiday website, so you are best looking at those.



Mum slept on this side of the bed, and Dad slept on the other.  That door is to the bathroom.  Mum wanted to be near the window, but it meant she had to walk round the end of the bed to go to the bathroom in the night.  Can you see how uneven the floor is?  She said she nearly fell down the stairs which are just beyond the rug.


There were old nails still stuck in some of the beams.  Nails so old that they were made by blacksmiths.  Generations of Mums and Dads must have hung things from them.


Tara liked widdling on the broken slate, then she scratted and kicked it about.  I prefer proper gravel, like we have at home.



See the beams in the ceiling.  They are why the bedroom floor was all wonky.  I stayed on the bed, so I didn't get wonked.


Mum said it was a lovely little kitchen, but that had to be the smallest fridge ever!  There was barely room for our paw food in it.


There was parking and some green stuff for widdling on, in a proper garden round the corner.  And the doors were all about Mum's nose level (Mum: the top of the door frames were about 5 foot 2 inches!  We both had to walk around hunched over for the entire week, but poor Mr C was bent like a pretzel)

Tara discovered the stairs as soon as we got there, and went hopping up them.  But then she got scared, and wouldn't come down them by herself.   So Mum and Dad had to keep the door shut, cos she thought it was great to go up them and then sit whining at the top til Dad rescued her.  Mum wouldn't do it.  But Dad is a big softie and he let her get away with it.  I think she is silly cos those stairs were SCARY.  They were all dark black wood and creaky and the up bits were higher than my head, and they went up in a bendy way.  I didn't like them!  So Mum used to carry me up and put me straight on the bed.  I liked that.


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oops - sorry about the miniscule picture sizes!  need to play with Postimage and try and get a proper sized pic!

How about these





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Tara :pash:  Cato :pash:  Auntie is so glad to see you again

I thought about you two so much while we were away. And Tara not doing stairs downward, thats a new one and one mom hopes you don't repeat. LOL

Love, love love the cottage pictures, so much history in those walls, fascinating.

Too bad you missed out on your cream tea's...ohhh they are so lovely.

The church is omg beautiful...so happy mom took pictures of the outside...just amazing they built all that by hand with no modern tools.


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The outside carving is amazing, isn't it (says Mum)?

Apparently the stone was all commissioned by a local man - presumably a rather wealthy man - and intended for his house.  But then one of his family (I think it was a child) died, and he donated all the stone to build the church instead.

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What a lovely place!  I sure missed the Adventures of Cato and Tara especially with all the pictures!

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