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Horrble Mum Stuff




Oh Aunties!  It was awful.

usually when Mum stops her Work Stuff at lunchtime, we have a nice sniffy walk.  I thought we were going to have TWO walks today, cos Dad took us for breakfast at the Sausage Place.  So I was getting all waggy excited and thinking about that lamp post on the corner that needs A LOT of sniffing.

But then lunchtime comes, and Mum GRABS me!  And she carries me through to the grooming table!  And she does footsie torture!  No walk!  No sniffing!  There was only brushing and skissers and that horrid buzzy thing.  And those mean clippers that do snappy clacky stuff and pinch my toes.

I didn’t like it.

But there is a good side :dribble:  cos its Tara’s turn tomorrow!!!


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Haha Cato, you had me laughing out loud with your last comment. 

Not the grooming tabes stuff! Footsie torture !!  Wow, you’re Mum sure knows how to spoil your day. 

Did you get a treat for being a good boy? 

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Oooh that Is awful sweet Cato, how Could she pinch your precious little toes like that?! Watch out Tara it’s Your tootsies next! ;) 

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Yes thank you AuntieAngel.  I had a nice Calcium Bone all to myself from Dad.  And then me and Mum had some snuggle time on the sofa.  Tara was there too, only I was the one on Mum’s lap.  But it didn’t last long enuff!  I had hardly got to sleep, when Mum woke me up to go do her Work Stuff again. :(

Tara hasn’t gotta clue, AuntieMM :sleazy:

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Ahh and here I thought Molly was like Tara,  but once Molly sees whats being done to Missy on the evil table she runs and hides! :roflmao:

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missy dawn


You poor baby you! And mom didn't even warn you it was coming , but you know what ,now you can sit and grin and watch sissy Tomorrow,:clap:

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Mum:  not today - we went out for a lovely sunny walk instead.  Tomorrow's the day!  Plus (don’t tell Cato, but i think i forgot to clip his thumb claws, so he will be up for a second round...)

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