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We have our OWN sausage place now!




You know how Mum and Dad sometimes drag us into sausage places, and we get bored under the table while they stuff their faces with lovely food and drink stuff, and then after agesandagesandages we get to go outside and have some sausage wot they saved for us?

Don't get me wrong, I like the sausages!  And the steak.  And the 100percentbeefyburgers and the bits of chicken.

But now we have OUR OWN sausage place!

And it is only 10mins walk from home!  So we can take Mum for a walk in her lunchbreaky thing, and visit OUR sausage place and have Special Paw Chicken and Cheese and Fish and Biscuits and Pupcakes and sausages and stuff.  Mum showed me the menu thing, and it says Gluten Free on stuff, and Low Fat on other stuff, and I want to try EVERYTHING!!!!





We went there and had HUGE pieces of cheese and SweetPotato BoneyBiscuits and they were delish!  Only Mum said we had to share a single cube of cheese (Booo! Hisssss! says Tara) and only one BoneyBiscuit (S'not Fair!!!! says Tara), but I made sure that Mum put the rest of our cheese and biscuits into our Doggy Bag, and now they are in the fridge for when we are veryveryvery good.  Like I am ALL the time, and Tara is never.  So I get them and she doesn't!  :cheer:     (:bomb: says Tara)

Mum says she will take pics next time to show you, and we might even get more pics on Facebook, like we do when we visit AuntieLesleyDogSitter who walks us in the mud.


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Oh how wonderfully delicious! Now please, you do have to share... although maybe Cato you can get a bigger piece!

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Wow your Very own place, it looks so nice and Delish, Love that menu especially the ice cream treats and pupcorn!! But we need pics!! Lots of pics Please!!:ohyeah:

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Cato:  I am going to ask Mum if we can go back today.  It rained all day yesterday, but today is dry.  Mum and Tara are funny about walking in the rain, but I don't mind if there are sausages at the end. 

First I have to wait til Dad comes home from work.

Then I have to remind him that Our Sausage Place does nice human sandwiches.

Then I have to look very very hungry.  And needing a walk.

And maybe Mum will say yes... 

I also will tell her that all you Aunties need pictures.  She likes taking pictures.  So maybe that will work...

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Oooh!  it worked, AuntieMM!  It worked!!!

We are off now.  It might rain a bit.  But I don't mind.

I want pupcakes and sausages and fish and chicken AND cheese this time!!!!  Dad it getting the leads, so we can show him the way.


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Posted (edited)

So, here are our pics from OUR Sausage Place.  Mum says I should call it by its name.  WaggieTails.  But I think OUR sausage place describes it better.

There are silly signs up all over saying 'Dogs not allowed on the furniture'.  Which isn't fair is it?  Tara says its Snotty.  The sofas look very comfortable, don't they?


Mum put her coat on the floor, like usual, for us to snuggle on.  But the waitress sausage lady said that there are blankets for us, if we like.  Only Tara says they will stink of other stinky dogs, and she won't like that.  But I wouldn't mind.  I like sniffy blankets.  As soon as we get our blanket at home nice and sniffy, Mum steals it and washes it. 

Anyway, here is the table thing with Dad's teapot on it. 


And this is our yummy pupcake and Mum's stinky herb teapot.


This is me.  I did want to sit on the sofa.  :(

And Tara is cross cos she messed up her hair attacking me just before we left home.  Mum said ‘Oh Tara! We don’t have time to tidy you up!’

haha! Now her messy hair is on the blog.  Haha!


Mum says that she would have liked to take a pic of the pupcake before she cut it up and Tara ate most of it.  But she forgot.  

So then she said 'oh well, next time'.

But then Tara got a squitty pupcake tummy, so there won't be a next time.  :(  I liked it a lot too, but it did make my tum gurgle.  On account of the oats and the peanut butter and the banana.

So we will have to have cheese and sausage and fish and sweet potato biscuits next time instead, won't we?

Edited by Crinkly
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Oooh what excellent pics, thank you Cato!!:throb: Your place looks Very nice but Why would they have a place For You and Not let You sit on the furniture??:sad?: that doesn’t make any sense does it??! Now it Would make sense if they made us mommys and daddy’s sit on the floor huh?!!:roflmao: Your pupcake looks good but hmmm why did they give you a fork??! Missy and Molly don’t use forks, do you and Tara??!!  I think you need to help them make this place a bit more for You, huh?!! A pup place by you for you, now That’s an idea, Cato’s Place, people welcome but not required!!:wink: can’t wait to see pics from your next visit, those biscuits sound delish!  :throb:

PS Missy and Molly are Very jealous that you have a place like that to go to!:throb::bear:

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I know AuntieMM.  Silly, isn’t it?  We should have special chairs and sofas just for us, in OUR sausage place.

Mum says ‘Maybe they can sit on our laps.  They would be on us, not the furniture, wouldn’t they?’

but Dad says ‘Oh no!  If we do that, they will want up on our laps everywhere else, too!’

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Wow, you lucky pups. I can’t believe how lucky you guys are, you get all the good treats. But why not, you certainly do deserve them. 

Lavey loves the sound of your posh place. The only embarrassing thing is, Lacey can be very vocal. I’m sure she’d put the other dogs off their biscuits. 

I love the look of your Mums fruit tea. ?

I think you deserve an extra treat for sitting so beautifully. ?

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