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Tara's bobble removal op




It was AWFUL Aunties.  I didn't want to show you my piccses, but Mum said I had to be brave and show you, cos it will prove how brave I am, and heroic and stuff.  And it will show you all how extra specially beautiful I am when my piggies grow again.

So this is me with Bed Head on Monday morning, before we went to see nice Mrs Groomer


And this is me after my Spa Day, with my piggies All Gone.  :(  Mum and I woz very sad.  Dad said he didn't know who the strange paw was who had moved into our Den, and Cato just sniffed me and larffed.


This is my bobble wot my piggies used to cover.  Mum and Dad said it had definitely grown in the last two weeks, so snipping it off was the bestest thing to do.


And this is me when I got back from the horrible stinky vets where they made me go to sleep and then banged me on the head.



The bandage on my arm had dinosaurs on it!

Mum says that my scar is Spectactulaaar! and a very impressive War Wound.  It is a much better War Wound than Cato has got.  And she says I should wear it with pride, cos I am a Brave Brave Paw.  So I am showing you my pics so that you can see how brave I am too!



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Tara you ARE a very brave girl. An incision like that, in a place where there is no padding, looks very ouchie.

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It IS @AuntiePaws4!  

It IS!!!

Ouchie ouchie ouchie, and all I wanna do is sit on Mum or Dad and have snuggles, but Mum is doing Work Stuff, and Dad is being mean and not making lap room.  :(  We had nice snuggles for most of the morning, but then he got up.  Isn't that mean???

He should stay still and give em lap time ALL THE TIME!


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Yes!  Definitly!  Mum and Dad should do "shift lap work".  Take turns.  You tell them I said so.

I know they have to have good margins but they always make such big incisions ?

Tara......*I* think you look very sleek and mature and summery and sporty - I like it!

Hugs sweetie - milk it for all you can until you get bored with it and are ready to go mountain climbing and beating up Cato.

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Thank you AuntieM!

At leas YOU understand...

I am already beating Cato up.  We went for a walk at Mum's lunchtime cos Mum said that I was too frisky for an invalid, and there would be trouble if we didn't bleed off some energy.  I don't want to do any more bleeding, but I did want the walk, and I got so excited that I had to bounce on Cato!  And then he got all wimpy and yelpy. 

AND THEN when we got home Mum let HIM sit on her lap cos he was only walking on 3 legs!  The WIMP!

There woz me, all wounded and scarred and War Wounded, and Cato just yelps pathetically and gets laptime!!! S'not fair, is it?


Mum:  Yes, well, the bouncing was violent enough, Young Lady, that Cato ran and hid from you, on three legs!  And Dad and I were worried enough that we rang for an emergency Vet appointment, so no point pretending that you are innocent!  Fortunately, Cato is deploying all 4 legs again, and the appt has been cancelled, but I am still a bit concerned about his lower back area, and will be watching him closely.  Humph!

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Tara, you are a VERY brave and beautiful girl.  You will have your piggies back before you know it (ask your Mum how I know).  You really should be nicer to Cato, though...

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Posted (edited)

:(  But Cato LIKES it when I Bounce on him.  He only yelps sometimes.  I just have to keep Bouncing until he Bounces Back.  Thats the best bit! ?

Edited by Crinkly
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Tara you are still beautiful and very brave! Your piggies will be back before you know it, and heck you may even enjoy not having them once your hair comes and covers that incision...

Poor Cato, he needs some TLC too, so maybe you could be a wee bit nice to him and take turns with the laps...  I think for your braveness though you should get some extra treats!

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Tara, maybe Mom will get you a hat like this and you can wear your bows on your ears till your piggies grow back!

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Ouchie , my goodness me Tara, you’ve been so very brave , such a big scar. 

I’m sorry to see your piggies have gone. But you are still very beautiful and I’m sure Mummy will grow your piggies back. 

Hugs Tara, cos you’ve been through a lot. Hugs to Cato too, hope you’re ok sweetie . 

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Ooh, thanks for asking!

you would never know she had an op.

here hair grew back incredibly quickly, and the groomer evened it all out las Fri.  It is now almost impossible to find the scar, even when you part her hair and really LOOK.

the only change is that her Buddha Kiss isn’t central any more. ?

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Oooh Tara that was a huge op and you certainly healed very quickly! I have to say your eyes look sooo gorgeous and Big with your new shorter doo! You look gorgeous any way piggies or not sweetie! Keep getting that lap time if you can! ?❤️

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Posted (edited)

Yes AuntieAngel I am!  Very brave! ? Everyone says so!  

Mum says I can have my piggies back soon too. 

Edited by Crinkly
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